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Inertial Sensors

Designed for Harsh Environments

Distortions, whether from magnetic and ferrous materials or electric current, can spell disaster for the standard sensor.

Sparton sensors, however, incorporate our proprietary AdaptNav™ solution and, in some models, gyro-enhancement to provide pinpoint heading accuracy. For us, no environment is too harsh and no terrain too unforgiving.

Considered one of the industry’s best performing inertial systems, the Sparton AHRS uses MEMS magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope technology. This provides seamless heading and position information even in areas where GPS signals are unavailable and GPS-based devices are unable to operate.

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Inertial Sensor Solutions
70+ Years in Business
11+ Product Types
200+ Global Customers
2K+ Customers Served
“Sparton is poised for growth in the coming years and will expand its focus on products that serve the U.S. and allied maritime customers.” Kenneth Krieg, Chairman of Sparton’s Board of Directors said. “Donnelly is a well-known and trusted leader in the maritime market spaces where Sparton operates. She is the right person to continue our growth as the leading supplier of critical undersea warfare solutions to the U.S. Navy and its allies.”
Donnelly Bohan
Donnelly BohanCEO & President, Sparton and Vice President Maritime Systems, Elbit America
“Sparton is poised for growth in the coming years and will expand its focus on products that serve the U.S. and allied maritime customers.” Kenneth Krieg, Chairman of Sparton’s Board of Directors said. “Donnelly is a well-known and trusted leader in the maritime market spaces where Sparton operates. She is the right person to continue our growth as the leading supplier of critical undersea warfare solutions to the U.S. Navy and its allies.”
Donnelly Bohan
Donnelly BohanCEO & President, Sparton and Vice President Maritime Systems, Elbit America
“Sparton is poised for growth in the coming years and will expand its focus on products that serve the U.S. and allied maritime customers.” Kenneth Krieg, Chairman of Sparton’s Board of Directors said. “Donnelly is a well-known and trusted leader in the maritime market spaces where Sparton operates. She is the right person to continue our growth as the leading supplier of critical undersea warfare solutions to the U.S. Navy and its allies.”
Donnelly Bohan
Donnelly BohanCEO & President, Sparton and Vice President Maritime Systems, Elbit America

Key Features

  • Enhanced 3D Adaptive Calibration improves calibration speed and stability, while compensating for errors caused by positional changes in dynamic environments.
  • 360º Rollover Capability maintains absolute accuracy regardless of angle, even when completely inverted.
  • 3D Acceleration determines acceleration in three dimensions simultaneously.
  • Adaptive Pitch and Roll Calculation provides three dimensional absolute magnetic field measurement and full 360º tilt-compensated bearing, pitch, and roll with 3-axis, tilt-compensated sensors.
  • Gyro Enhancement provides additional inertial system heading accuracy in the presence of stray magnetic fields.
  • High Resolution Magnetics permit finer discernment of the Earth’s magnetic field, thereby improving our sensor’s level of accuracy in dynamic or challenging conditions.
  • True North Computation uses NOAA magnetic declination tables corrects for an application’s present location, thereby providing a “true north” heading.
  • Sleep Mode allows our sensors to use less energy, which increases battery life.

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